The Global Commission on Adaptation
The Global Commission on Adaptation was launched in The Hague on 16th October 2018 by the 8th Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. Established by Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands and the leaders of 22 other convening countries, the Commission launched with the mandate to accelerate adaptation by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions.

The launch of The Global Commission on Adaptation
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, with co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, led the group of global leaders from political, business, multilateral, and scientific worlds.
The Commission’s mandate came to an end following its Year of Action in 2020, with its work showcased at the Climate Adaptation Summit hosted by the Netherlands on 25th January 2021. The Global Center on Adaptation is proud to be taking forward its work through its Programs.
Adapt now: A global call for leadership on climate resilience

The Global Commission on Adaptation’s flagship report, released in September 2019, made the case for climate adaptation, providing specific insights and recommendations in key sectors: food security, the natural environment, water, cities, infrastructure, disaster risk management, and finance. It aimed to inspire action among heads of state and government officials, mayors, business executives, investors and community leaders.
Members of the Global Commission on Adaptation Commissioners oversaw the development of the flagship report and guided the Year of Action.

Akinwumi Adesina
President, African Development Bank

Inger Andersen
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme

Michelle Bachelet
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Winnie Byanyima
Executive Director, UNAIDS

Jagan Chapagain
Secretary General, IFRC

Peter Damgaard Jensen

Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

Christiana Figueres
Former Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

Li Ganjie
Former Minister of Ecology
and Environment, China

Hilda Heine
Former President of the Marshall Islands

Anne Hidalgo
Mayor, Paris

Emma Howard Boyd
Chair of the Environment Agency, UK

Agnes Kalibata
President, AGRA

Loren Legarda
Deputy Speaker and Representative of the Lone District of Antique, Philippines

Strive Masiyiwa
Founder and Chairman, Econet Wireless

José Antonio Meade
Former Finance Minister, Mexico

Shri C.K Mishra
Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, India

Keith Mitchell
Prime Minister, Grenada

Gerd Müller
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Muhammad Musa
Executive Director of BRAC International

Cora van Nieuwenhuizen
Former Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Netherlands

Sheela Patel
Chair, Slum/Shack Dwellers International

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
Attorney General and Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Fiji

Feike Sijbesma
Chairman of Royal DSM

Andrew Steer
President and CEO, World Resources Institute

Achim Steiner
Administrator, UNDP

Francis Suarez
Mayor, Miami

Petteri Taalas
Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization

Axel van Trotsenburg
Managing Director of Operations, World Bank

Shemara Wikramanayake
CEO, Macquarie Group Ltd.

Jonathan Wilkinson
Former Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Canada
Convening Countries
The leaders of the convening countries committed to catalyzing a global adaptation movement and work together to support the work of the Global Commission.






Costa Rica







Marshall Islands




Republic of Korea


South Africa

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom


Adaptation Voices
This series of videos tells stories from around the world of local adaptation solutions and their impact on the global challenge of climate change.