Infrastructure and NbS
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Officer Handbook
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a key entry point to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into infrastructure projects and address climate change impacts. Yet, while there is a strong body of knowledge on guidance for PPPs and literature on climate risks, resilience, and infrastructure, countries lack information on how to bring those two fields together.
Innovative Financing Models for Private Sector Investment in Nature Based Solutions for Adaptation
The Global Commission on Adaptation’s Action Track on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) hosted a virtual workshop on Innovative Financing Models for Private Investment in Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation on 14 October 2020.
A System-wide Approach for Infrastructure Resilience
A revolution in the planning, design, financing, and delivery of infrastructure is urgently needed to meet the acute needs of our warming world.
Stocktake of Climate-resilient Infrastructure Standards
Consistent standards, codes, guidance documents and rating systems (collectively “standards”) underpin efforts to ensure that infrastructure is resilient to climate change.
Adaptation of Infrastructure Systems
Infrastructure systems, defined in this paper as conventional “economic infrastructure” (energy, transport, digital communications, water, and waste management), sustain civilizations.
The Role of the Natural Environment in Adaptation
Climate change impacts are already being widely felt and will increase in severity by the middle of this century, further changing rainfall regimes and increasing the frequency of high temperatures, storms, floods and other extreme events.