GCA CEO’s Speech at Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day Beijing Inaugural Event

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Y our Excellency,
Vice President of Tsinghua University,
Faculty, Students,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
No jobs, wrong skills, little hope…
And a climate emergency…
Fundamentally threatening the future…
Don’t take my word for it –
This is the key conclusion for the Gen Z generation in the annual report of the ILO last month.
No jobs, wrong skills, little hope.
But it doesn’t to be this way.
We do have a getting-out-of-jail card.
But it is not for free.
And that is: climate adaptation.
Good day to everyone – it’s good to be back at Tsinghua!
And greetings also to all who are joining us online from across the globe.
My name is Patrick Verkooijen and I am the CEO of the Global Center on Adaptation – the “GCA”.
I am also Chancellor of the University of Nairobi. 
It is an honour and a privilege to stand before you today at one of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions.
And to launch the global event:
Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day.
And my PLEA to you on this day:
The challenges the face us are immense.
But you can be the DRIVERS of climate adaptation..
And I am certain that you – we all – will have the chance not only to survive..
But also, THRIVE.
Why are we here?
Tsinghua University is a beacon of cutting-edge research, of innovation and intellectual leadership.
China has been a beacon in the world of climate adaptation.
Last month at the UN General Assembly, leaders and ministers from 45 nations celebrated China’s bold national climate adaptation strategy.
His Excellency Minister Huang was one of our keynote speakers.
If all nations would adopt, and DELIVER, climate adaptation strategies as China does, we would already be a long way to overcoming the climate risks of today.
It is this very spirit of innovation that we most urgently need as we face the challenges of climate change adaptation.
In June this year, I commended Minister Huang on his skillful leadership in advancing climate adaptation across China through global advocacy and international cooperation.
And today, ladies and gentlemen, I want to take a moment to congratulate China once again on the excellent work to prioritize climate adaptation which I saw yesterday in Mentougou District (Yong Ding River).
We hope to continue to work hand-in-hand to share the example of China worldwide.
China has deep roots when it comes to collective responsibility and harmony with the environment. These are intrinsic Chinese values which the world would do well to follow.
So it is within this context that we come together today, in the halls of this esteemed university, to take a significant step towards safeguarding our planet’s future.
Climate change presents formidable challenges to all of us, but it is YOUNG people who will bear the brunt of it of we don’t adapt.
Climate adaptation is a youth priority. It is a youth agenda.
The world is home to the greatest number of young people in living history.
Globally, you account for over 40% of the planet’s population!
And almost nine out of ten young people live in developing countries, where climate impacts cut deeper.
Young people all over the world are stepping up to innovate and adapt but they need a stage to be able to speak out.
For this reason, we are here to launch the FIRST EVER Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day, as being led and organized by the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA).
By launching it right here in Beijing, China, we are sending a message to the world.
A message of partners, of hope, of South-South cooperation…
Inspired by the incredible accomplishments of Chinese civilization.
Young people from close to 70 countries are coming together…
In hundreds of events worldwide…
to demonstrate the strength of youth-driven adaptation initiatives.
Today the events,
all add up to the world’s LARGEST EVER youth adaptation celebration.
Ladies and gentlemen,
So I am thrilled to announce that Tsinghua University is taking the first bow by setting in motion this big day for youth climate adaptation. 
Now let me ask you something: as a student, a teacher, or a parent, what can you do to ensure that we are building a climate-resilient future?
To every student, teacher, and parent listening today, I say:  
You have a VITAL role to play in this transformation.
Climate adaptation stands as our strongest ally in building a climate-resilient future.
But we cannot adapt without the knowledge and innovation of young people across the world.
We cannot adapt without your energy and creativity.
And we cannot adapt without your demographic – the lead demographic in the most climate-vulnerable regions – taking CENTER STAGE.
Our role is not to lecture youth, but to EMPOWER.
Starting with arming you with the right skills and knowledge for the future..
In great institutions like Tsinghua, and also the University of Nairobi, where I am chancellor ..
Where we are launching a Big 5 transformational initiative to achieve just that.
That is why the GCA is building the world’s largest youth network on the planet.
And I invite you all to join and be active members in that GCA youth network.
Because seizing the adaptation agenda, is about promoting growth, its about jobs, it’s about becoming safe in your community.
Climate change has created huge anxiety among youth.
Well, adaptation can help you to win back control of your futures.
One example: our organization, the GCA, our headquarters is the world’s largest floating office.
It sits in Rotterdam harbour and every day it rises and falls more than one meter with the tides.
Impervious to rising seas.
An idea cooked up by an older generation.
Just imagine what could be achieved if young people take over the driver’s seat.
Let us harness that incredible power of young people across the world..
Starting here in China, to adapt to climate change.
In closing, I invite each and every one of you to be a part of this journey.
Let us make this Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day a celebration of innovation, resilience and hope.
And let’s make so much NOISE that policymakers and politicians will no longer be able to ignore your voices, your passion and your determination to steer the world to a better place.
More resilient.
More prosperous.
With 24 million new green jobs by 2030 up for grabs if only governments do the right thing …
which is the rational economic plan of investing at scale in adaptation.
The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders, steering us towards a greener future.
But we don’t have to wait.
You mustn’t wait
We mustn’t wait.
In fact, we have already started.
Now let’s pick up the pace
Let’s build momentum.
Enjoy this day
Let’s make it count.
Turn the corner:
Better jobs, more skills, full of hope.
With your efforts, adaptation will be unstoppable.
And with that, you will be unstoppable.
Thank you.

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