Enhancing Direct Access for Locally Led Adaptation
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), in collaboration with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Adaptation Fund, will host a meeting to discuss the potential of the Enhanced Direct Access modality in Nairobi Kenya
Event description
The Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) modality was launched by the GCF Board through a US$ 200 million pilot program in July 2015, to support “… devolved decision-making and stronger local multi-stakeholder engagement”. The modality was specifically designed to enhance devolution of decision-making through a programmatic, stakeholder-driven approach.
The terms of reference for the GCF’s EDA pilot stipulate that “decision-making on the specific projects and programmes to be funded will be made at the national or subnational level … This implies that the screening, assessment and selection of specific pilot activities would be made at the regional, national or subnational level. At the same time, mechanisms will be set up to increase national oversight and multi-stakeholder engagement at the country level”.
The Adaptation Fund, which had pioneered the Direct Access modality, approved a pilot EDA funding window for National Implementing Entities (NIEs) in October 2020, inviting NIEs to submit proposals of up to US$ 5 million per country, “to further empower entities to directly identify and fund local adaptation efforts”.Nearly a decade after the EDA modality was operationalized, the meeting in Nairobi will bring together GCF DAEs and Adaptation Fund NIEs from across Africa to explore and address the challenges and opportunities it offers, to facilitate direct access to climate adaptation financing for those most vulnerable to climate change.
Supported by GCA’s Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP), which was launched in partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB), this workshop will serve as a platform to
- Examine barriers and opportunities related to accessing funds through the GCF and Adaptation Fund LLA and EDA programs.
- Understand current challenges that countries, DAEs, and NIEs face.
- Synthesize feedback to provide actionable recommendations to the climate funds, and to national governments and stakeholders, on expanding LLA and EDA access to those most in need.
The meeting will be an opportunity to hear from the experiences of NIEs and DAEs who have implemented EDA projects; provide inputs on ways in which the modality can be streamlined further; and generate ideas for future EDA proposals.