Launch of the YouthADAPT Challenge Report and Alumni Network

Children & Youth Pavilion, UNFCCC COP 28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4 December 2023, 11:00 GST

At COP28, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), under the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP), supported by the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), officially launched the African Youth Adaptation Solutions (YouthADAPT) Challenge Impact Report and Alumni Network

Event description

The YouthADAPT Challenge, an annual flagship competition and awards program for youth-led enterprises in climate adaptation, seeks to boost sustainable job creation and scale youth innovation in adaptation action across Africa. To date, the Program has invested close to $4 million, funding 33 enterprises across 19 countries on the continent. Notably, 50% of these enterprises are women-owned or led. 
The Impact Report highlights the achievements of the inaugural YouthADAPT Challenge cohort, demonstrating how investing in youth-led enterprises catalyzes the growth of micro and small to medium-sized enterprises, creates thousands of jobs and contributes to a more resilient future.

This side event also marked the launch of the YouthADAPT Alumni network, an initiative aimed at building a community among the various cohorts and award winners. A panel discussion featuring prominent youth development and climate change experts, will also be held during the event, to discuss unlocking finance for youth enterprises in climate adaptation and resilience. 

Read the report