
The procedure for selection for GCA tenders is a competitive selection and the GCA will invite selected parties to submit a proposal. However, Requests for Proposals will be openly available on GCA’s website and other interested parties are also welcome to submit responses.

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Requests for Proposals

Request for Proposals: Individual Consultant for Urban Climate Resilience Masterclass for Somalia

GCA is seeking a qualified international Individual Consultant (IC), experienced in developing highly technical trainings, to provide technical expertise, quality assurance, and coordination support to its training partner in the customization and delivery of the Urban Climate Resilience Masterclass for Somalia.

14 March 2025

Request for Proposals: Services for Organizing Women’s Adaptation Labs under the WBG CSmaRT Project in Bangladesh  

GCA seeks an implementation partner (who will work in partnership with another local partner based in Rajshahi) with substantial expertise in community engagement and community-led development, climate adaptation planning, and facilitating multi-disciplinary dialogues, to engage and support women’s groups living in the hinterland of two selected stretches of roads (not more than 10 KM each) in Rajshahi to identify key climate vulnerabilities, and collaborate with technical experts through Women’s Adaptation Labs that can inform the planning, design and future O&M of the roads. 

10 March 2025

Request for Proposals: Framework Agreement for Public Private Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Services in Asia and SIDS

GCA is seeking Service Providers to enter into a Framework Agreement to integrate adaptation and resilience into infrastructure projects across infrastructure sectors and countries/regions in Asia and SIDS. 

3 March 2025

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