Factsheet Youth Adaptation Forum: Nature-Based Solutions and Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

Nature-based solutions (NbS) harness nature’s power to create a resilient and sustainable future. NbS are defined as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems that address societal challenges…simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.”. Whilst progress has been made in recognizing nature-based solutions as a mechanism for both climate change mitigation and adaptation, there is still a need to develop the capacity of people to implement nature-based solutions, as well as mainstreaming nature-based solutions in climate adaptation efforts.
About the fact sheets
This fact sheet is part of a series that presents information collated from the Thematic Youth Adaptation Forums held between March 2024 and August 2024. The information seeks to build the knowledge of young people on thematic areas of adaptation, foster a global knowledge transfer on good practices of adaptation solutions, encourage innovation, and accelerate adaptation action amongst young people.
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