Webinar on Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Water Sector


30 April 2024, 12:30 GMT

The African Development Bank Group(AfDB) and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) will host a webinar to share insights and best practices on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and resilience in the water sector.

Event description

The African Development Bank Group and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) will host a webinar to share insights and best practices on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and resilience in the water sector.

The webinar will showcase the partnership between AfDB and GCA’s Water and Urban Development program, highlighting how climate change adaptation has been integrated into tA water sector projects and programs through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP). Case studies from projects in Burundi, Ethiopia, a World Bank-funded initiative in Chad, and the Bank’s climate goals and focus areas will be discussed.

Climate change impacts the water sector through rising sea levels, floods, droughts, and water quality issues, hindering access, availability, and sanitation services. These disruptions threaten water and food security, economic growth, and stability, with the potential to displace millions by 2030. The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, jointly designed by the African Development Bank and the Global Center on Adaptation, aims to address these challenges. Primarily focused on food security, infrastructure, youth entrepreneurship, and adaptation finance, the program seeks to mobilize $25 billion to enhance climate resilience in Africa by 2025.

Moderated by Dr. Al-Hamndou Dorsouma, Division Manager of Climate and Green Growth at the African Development Bank, the webinar will feature remarks from Anthony Nyong, Bank Director for Climate Change and Green Growth and Osward Mulenga Chanda, Bank Director for Water Development and Sanitation. Edith Ofwona Adera, AAAP Coordinator at the Bank, will also give an overview of AAAP interventions in Bank initiatives.

Joep Verhagen, GCA Lead for Water & Urban Development, will present an overview of advancements in water sector projects and programs. An interactive panel discussion will ensue, featuring Olufunso Somorin, Regional Principal Climate Change and Green Growth Officer at the Bank; Feisal Rahman, GCA Senior Water Climate Adaptation Specialist; Aditi Mukherjee, Director of Climate Change Research at the global agricultural research entity, CGIAR; and N’zombie Zounoubate, Water and Sanitation Specialist at the African Development Bank.

Participants will include global and regional directors from the Bank Group, the GCA, and other key stakeholders.

There will be simultaneous interpretation in French and English.