Online Executive Training Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation
T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) proudly present the second cycle of the Online Executive Training – Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation. This virtual educational and capacity-building program aims to to empower young African women to unleash their full potential and capabilities to contribute to and drive climate change adaptation solutions.
About the Training
The Online Executive Training: Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation is a virtual educational and capacity-building program that fosters the leadership of African young women to realize innovative solutions that build resilience to the changing climate.
The second edition of the Online Executive Training targets 30 young women between the ages of 20 and 35 from Ethiopia, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, Cameroon, and Morocco. The 20-week part-time training program gives participants a blended learning approach combining group live sessions on Zoom and self-learning tools through a dedicated digital platform.

Through this comprehensive training program, participants will gain:
1. Leadership Capacity Building: Enhance your leadership skills to effectively lead and advocate for sustainable solutions in the face of climate change.
2. Project Management Coaching: Acquire valuable insights and guidance on climate adaptation project management, empowering you to implement impactful initiatives.
3. Networking and Career Guidance: Connect with a global hub of young women leaders and changemakers, fostering collaboration across regions, genders, sectors, and generations.
4. Proposal of a Micro Adaptation Project: Develop a micro adaptation project proposal to address climate challenges in your community or organization.

“I realized that a lot of people really are going into this space like me, with little or no support. So I want to be able to bridge that gap so that they can have the organizational skills, the professional skills, connecting them to organizations doing activities and helping them carry out projects that are major solutions to problems in their community.”
– Baliqees Salaudeen, Alumna Online Executive Training 2021-2022
The Online Executive Training is implemented in the context of the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP), developed and implemented by the Global Center on Adaptation and the African Development Bank, thus, contributing to its aim of galvanizing climate-resilient actions through a triple-win approach addressing Covid-19, climate change, and the economy.
Key facts about the Online Executive Training:
- 20-weeks part-time training program
- Hosted fully virtually on an exclusive online learning platform
- Made for selected young women leaders from African countries
- Blended learning approach combining live webinars and self-guided learning materials
What does the training consist of?
- Leadership capacity-building
- In-depth knowledge about climate adaptation
- Coaching for climate adaptation project management
- Exceptional networking opportunities
In 2021 the BKMC and the GCA joined forces to contribute to implementing the AAAP and the Youth Flagship in Africa by piloting the Online Executive Training – Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation.
Following a successful pilot cycle in 2021-2022, the GCA and BKMC will continue to empower young women leaders through the Online Executive Training. The initial group of 30 young women leaders from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe gained in-depth know-how, extensive leadership skills and well-connected global networks to leverage their positions as young leaders for scaling sustainable impact in benefit of climate change adaptation.
- A project under: the Global Center on Adaptation Youth Leadership & Education Program

- Developed and implemented by: the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizen
- In collaboration with: CARE Climate & Resilience Academy & Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies